In a large southern city there is a magnificent
new shopping center which stands on the former city garbage
dump. For over a century no one saw this location as anything but
the "garbage dump." About twenty-five years ago, however,
some progressive-minded citizens started "seeing" that location
as a beautiful new shopping center. Immediately they stopped
dumping garbage and started hauling good, clean fill dirt and
dumping it over the century-old garbage. They did this until a
solid foundation was prepared. It was on this foundation that they
built a magnificent new shopping center. But really this
shopping center is built on garbage, isn't it?
I tell this story because the chances are that over a period of
time, people have been dumping "garbage" into your mind. What
you must understand, however, is it doesn't really matter if
garbage has been dumped into your mind in the past. In fact, it
doesn't even matter if others, through either malice or ignorance
have built low ceilings over you. You can overcome all of that
"garbage," so I'm going to say to you, "Happy Birthday," because
today is the first day of the rest of your life. The past is over and
the fact you have read this far indicates you are now in the process
of building a foundation for a greater future.
Warning! "Garbage" has probably been dumped into your mind for a long time. Realistically we should understand that a
person suffering from malnutrition cannot be restored to
complete physical health by eating one well balanced meal,
regardless of how big or good it might be. So please understand
that for the moment all we can do is cover that "garbage" with a
thin veneer of positive thinking and right mental attitude. The
chances are good that periodically some of that "garbage" will
pop through the veneer and you will suffer again from "stinkin'
thinkin'." However, keep moving because every in every move you
absorb will bury that "garbage" deeper and deeper, until you will
eventually bury the old garbage. However, since we live in a
negative society, we will always have the problem of fresh
garbage being dumped into our minds on a daily basis. A friend,
an acquaintance, or an overheard conversation can drop a couple
of fast loads of garbage into our minds. We switch on the radio or
the television and boom-boom, somebody else dumps fresh
garbage into our minds. Now we have the problem of stinkin'
thinkin' again, so what do we do now, Coach? Keep reading, the
answer is spelled out in minute detail in another Segment. I'll
guarantee it.
Excrept from the book "See You At The Top" by Zig Zaggler.
new shopping center which stands on the former city garbage
dump. For over a century no one saw this location as anything but
the "garbage dump." About twenty-five years ago, however,
some progressive-minded citizens started "seeing" that location
as a beautiful new shopping center. Immediately they stopped
dumping garbage and started hauling good, clean fill dirt and
dumping it over the century-old garbage. They did this until a
solid foundation was prepared. It was on this foundation that they
built a magnificent new shopping center. But really this
shopping center is built on garbage, isn't it?
I tell this story because the chances are that over a period of
time, people have been dumping "garbage" into your mind. What
you must understand, however, is it doesn't really matter if
garbage has been dumped into your mind in the past. In fact, it
doesn't even matter if others, through either malice or ignorance
have built low ceilings over you. You can overcome all of that
"garbage," so I'm going to say to you, "Happy Birthday," because
today is the first day of the rest of your life. The past is over and
the fact you have read this far indicates you are now in the process
of building a foundation for a greater future.
Warning! "Garbage" has probably been dumped into your mind for a long time. Realistically we should understand that a
person suffering from malnutrition cannot be restored to
complete physical health by eating one well balanced meal,
regardless of how big or good it might be. So please understand
that for the moment all we can do is cover that "garbage" with a
thin veneer of positive thinking and right mental attitude. The
chances are good that periodically some of that "garbage" will
pop through the veneer and you will suffer again from "stinkin'
thinkin'." However, keep moving because every in every move you
absorb will bury that "garbage" deeper and deeper, until you will
eventually bury the old garbage. However, since we live in a
negative society, we will always have the problem of fresh
garbage being dumped into our minds on a daily basis. A friend,
an acquaintance, or an overheard conversation can drop a couple
of fast loads of garbage into our minds. We switch on the radio or
the television and boom-boom, somebody else dumps fresh
garbage into our minds. Now we have the problem of stinkin'
thinkin' again, so what do we do now, Coach? Keep reading, the
answer is spelled out in minute detail in another Segment. I'll
guarantee it.
Excrept from the book "See You At The Top" by Zig Zaggler.
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