Changing Life.
Hi once again ,
In my last blog I started about change and I hope you understood what exactly change is and how do you observe it.

Now lets continue it by asking one more question Is change necessary or you should not change ?
*kindly go through my last blog "change" before reading further.
In my last blog I started about change and I hope you understood what exactly change is and how do you observe it.
Now lets continue it by asking one more question Is change necessary or you should not change ?
So keeping in mind what is change we would proceed. So the first thing is that CHANGE is very integral part of your life infact our lives , its change that has made us what we are because evolution is a form of gradual change which enabled a single cell to make a complete man . The world around you is constantly changing infact the planet earth on which we live is changing all the time by rotating and revolving around the sun.
So by the above examples one thing is clear that change is a necessary part of you life. I can't force the ones who don't want to change but hope could change their thinking. Now if change is necessary in our life then how and what type of chnge it should be ?
So the answer is you should CHANGE when you want to change not when others want you to change because when you change yourself for others you actually make an instant difference which you want others to notice as I said in the last blog about 'difference' in change , basically you just alter yourself for others which is a total injustice for yourself.
CHANGE but change for yourself in this you will not only make the difference but will see and feel the beautiful process of change and the change you made will be worth it, it will make you happy and make things more easy for you it will help you adapt better to the changing world around you. When you can feel the process of change you discover a new self you learn from your past form and build a better future form for your betterment.
Hope it makes an impact on your view about change.
Will continue change in my next blog.
For any queries you can mail me at
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