3 Mistakes of Everyone's Life ?
Hi Guys !! Everything OK , Hope So.... Everyone of us commit many mistakes in our life some are intentional and some we do unknowingly , but mistakes are mistakes. But do you know there are some common mistakes which all of us do in our lives. These mistakes are namely ; 1) Greed 2 )Fear 3) Emotion These are mistakes we all do but I'm sure many of you would not agree with it but if you think on it you will definitely figure it out that at some point or the other of your life you have committed these mistakes. These mistakes apply to everyone from a child to an experienced elderly. Everyone of us have greed for something or the other and this is the biggest mistake we commit . You spend your whole life calculating profit loss ratios and in this process you forget the profit loss statement of life which states that "The more you give , the more you get " . This is not some kind of a spiritual baba statement kind of thing its practical and I will give you...