
Showing posts from August, 2017

Steps To Success .

Hi Everyone , Guys lets talk about a topic which everyone wants to achieve in their life . And most of them want to achieve it as soon as possible and with the least effort, which we call finding short cuts. More than 90% of you would have at sometime or the other of your life till now searched of things like "How to achieve Success ?" , "What are the guaranteed steps to Success ?" etc.. and the results you find are about those 10% people who have achieved success on their own. So let me tell you success is never achieved by accident neither by chasing it rather it is achieved by just putting efforts without caring about the result. Don't take it otherwise. Am saying put effort and don't care of the results , Am not saying that don't expect the result because without expectation you wouldn't put your full effort. What Am saying is success is a journey not the destination where you go and stop. There are some simple fundamental steps to...

Self - Image .

Hi Everyone !! Back after long but with something interesting. In today's so called modern era people are very insecure about their image because today no one live for themselves , they live for others. They don't understand the fact that they are not here to prove themselves to anyone . People spend their whole life thinking what others think about them but believe me at the end you will come to know that actually no one ever thought about you it was just a mere illusion for which you wasted your beautiful life. So friends the time has not passed much , realise the reality and come out of the illusion because you are here for yourself not for others . The day when you realise this your real life starts that is totally yours and you have all the right to live it the way you like. No one else could affect you if you are happy with what you have . You need to have good image of you in your own eyes and you will have a good image in everyone's eyes. Today people d...